

Make Me Joyful does exactly what it says on the tin (or blog in this case) I could try to describe the loveliness of this site but Cheryl, the creator explains it way better than I ever could; 

"In our hearts we know that life is supposed to be more than so-so, but all too often we feel stuck, disconnected and overwhelmed. We tell ourselves that we want more but we barely have the energy to get to the weekend, let alone figure out where we’re going in life. We put our heads down and get on with it: teeth gritted on the tube, heart sinking at work and feelings lukewarm in love. On the surface we have everything, but underneath it feels like we have nothing at all.
This makes me sad. In fact, it breaks my heart.
I believe that big dreams aren’t just for other people, that true love isn’t the preserve of the silver screen and that when you smile, the whole world really does smile with you.
I believe that people should be cherished, manners should be minded and that anyone can be cheered by a handwritten note.
I believe that life can be joyful."

I contacted the creator of Make Me Joyful Cheryl, to see if she would like to be apart of 'Dear 14 Year Old Me' and to our delight she agreed.

You can read more about the Make Me Joyful Manifesto here.

Life Changes Foundation was featured on Make Me Joyful alongside Cheryl's letter. This is probably the nicest thing anyone has written about us. 

One of the things I am loving most about the Joyful Revolution is the chance to connect with so many wonderful people. Every tweet, email and letter (yay!) that I’ve received has made me so incredibly happy. It’s also confirmed what I hoped to be the case: that the world is full of people who want to live big, joyful lives and who are excited to meet others who feel the same. Oh you guys.
Lest I get too carried away with pink, fluffy, joyful love for you all, I’m going to change the subject to cancer. Nothing pink and fluffy about that. One of the emails I recently received was from Kristi, a 22 year old lady who has set up the Life Changes Foundation to raise awareness about breast cancer and to support her friend who is currently suffering from it. Without wanting to sound like a patronising, maiden Aunt, how fabulous is it that a 22 year old has had the spirit to set up a foundation? Kristi is currently asking people to contribute ‘letters to their 14 year old selves’ and she asked me to write one too. Obviously when it comes to writing letters I don’t need asking twice, particularly when it’s for a project like this.

 You can read the feature and check out more of Make Me Joyful here


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