
Dear 14 Year Old Me....

If you had the chance to say anything to your fourteen year old self, what would you say? If you had that opportunity would you give yourself advice? guidance? warning? about what lies ahead or just provide a few comforting words to your younger self.

Life Changes Foundation launched a project, 'Dear 14 Year Old Me' in September 2012 and we have had a great response to it thus far. Our letters have been written by a number of different people, from different walks of life and different professions. All the letters we have received have been written from the heart with many a kind word and with one thing in common, to enjoy life. To appreciate every moment, moments that you didn't think were that momentous but when you look back they were actually the times that made you who you are today. 

You can read a few of the letters below but there are many more over at our Facebook Page. 

Each and everyone of us have a story to tell and we would love to hear yours. If you would like to write a letter to 'Dear 14 Year Old Me' we would be honoured to read it. If you would like to write a letter and are happy to have your real name included then that is great if not you can write an anonymous letter. Again, you can contact us through our facebook page or send us an email at lifechangesfoundation@hotmail.com

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